Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Birthday


I will be frank. Last year, my birthday was the pits. Perhaps I'm being ungrateful, but I want to be honest about how it felt just so that if it happens again I can't be told "Well you didn't give anyone enough warning."

So here it is.

Friday night at 10:00 or the soonest you can make it, I want everyone who can tolerate smoky bars to join me at Pete's Tavern for some PBR or water or even wine coolers- whatever your poison. We can play pool and I can even provide a stack of quarters for the jukebox. Your presence is the only present I need.
Saturday is my real birthday and I want to use that night to celebrate with my girl friends who prefer clear air and lots of lighting. I'm thinking Brick 29 for dessert and drinks and then my house? Let's start at the Flying M at 8:00. Give me a call if you're in so that I can know who to wait for. Again, your presence is the only present I need.
I feel lame planning such an affair for my birthday, but I'd rather do this than pity myself later. I don't think our friends get together as a large group enough. We don't celebrate enough or stick around long enough or relax enough or kiss and hug enough.
I've been reading about simplifying life and just finished a chapter about socializing and how crucial it is for our health mentally and physically. I thoroughly enjoy the company of others and rarely feel the need to have allotted alone time (usually I just don't like the company if I use that excuse; and now you know.) I see this as perfectly healthy but feel like society tells me it's not- that everyone needs their personal space. What are your thoughts? Is it so wrong to always want company?


Anonymous said...

Wait! Is this THIS friday night?!?!?!?!
Cause i was hoping the birthday festivities (mainly pete's) would/could be pushed back a couple of days---because because i get there on monday!!! At least could we plan on partying at pete's like this when I'm back too? I hate to be pushy about a birthday party--or to even go as far to say that my presence is vital at a birthday party, but i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be there for it!!!

shaun said...

Chad does make a valid argument.

Joseph said...

I'll be there, no matter the day.

shaun said...

As will I, but I just like Chad.

Unknown said...

What if we do two parties? I just need to work the next morning most likely.

Anonymous said...

biggest question: Renting the cave?

I wouldn't want to rent it twice, but i gotta be honest, i'd be pretty bummed if i missed a cave party. Have you guys partied in the cave?

Anonymous said...

but we could (you could) party as many times as you want.

shaun said...

Chad, I believe you will not be missing out on a cave party, so do not fret.

Joseph said...

Chad, we do not intend to rent the cave. The cash don't equal the bills.

Unknown said...

Guys. What should we do?!?!

Anonymous said...


or at least be tired and hung over going into work some morning...both are good options :-]

I would really love to be there for the birthday bash--but if you end up doing it friday, we'll just have to bash again a few days later. I won't be mad or even upset if you do it friday...just sad...

HAHAHAhaha...just kidding. I won't be sad. Just let me know what the plan is. i'll be there when i can be.

Oh, I love you.

Each of you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Chad. We love you too. I'll get a vote with the fam. Especially with St. Augustine.

Unknown said...

Just thought I should add a small warning to potential Pete's goers to wear clothes they wouldn't mind throwing away afterwards, and to maybe bring an oxygen mask as the smoke can be quite heavy. I am of course exaggerating slightly, but seriously, you will smell.

shaun said...

Wait a sec, that last post was from me. Sorry, I didn't think to sign out and sign back in whilst using the shafer computer. I'm the smoke hater, not Diana.

Anonymous said...

one time I picked up this denim jacket that had been in pete's for about 3 weeks. I'd had my eye on it cause it was clearly incredible. it was definitely made for a woman--complete with fur collar, extra long length, and a little skirt like flair at the bottom. I asked michelle if i could take it home. She just laughed at me but i still took it.

The next morning I woke up with that jacket across the room from me. The stench erupting from that God-awful monstrosity was enough to make me gag.

it's in the trash now where it belongs.

Shame on me for having enough to drink that I didn't notice.

Unknown said...

Actually, I really really love smoke. I prefer it over fresh air (with Teri Gross.) No, both statements I just made are false. Sorry.
Here's the deal:
Friday- Pete's is still on. I'd hate to recall who I've invited and tell them it's not on anymore.
And then on the night of Chad's choice we can quench our thirst at Pete's after a rousing parade on wheels. We can wear sparkly and/or glow in the dark clothing and someone can haul around a boom box on a wagon. What do you think of that?

Anonymous said...

i will quench my thirst with pete's finest decaf/non-alcoholic brew and I especially love the idea of a parade on wheels+boom box. I can't wait.

Unknown said...

Do it.

By the way, no one's discussed the last part of my post. I really want to know what people think of this.

shaun said...

oh man, 3 weeks absorption of pete's, that poor jacket. Chad, I loved that story. I wore my poofy unwashable jacket there about 3 months ago I would say. I still haven't had the courage to bring it into the living area of my house. I hung it outside for the first month hoping the fresh air would work a miracle. It has since been in the little cubby area downstairs where the bikes are. Diana, good idea bout the parade on wheels. Thats was fun last time. Hopefully Chad won't nearly kill himself this time. O'douls it is Chad. I can't believe the comment count on this thing. Why isn't anyone else joining in?

Anonymous said...

I did say what i think of the last part! I can't wait for parade on wheels and boom box!!! We'll keep dancing til the break of dawn.
And no killing ourselves.

Unknown said...

No no no. My post. About desiring people's company all the time. I'm genuinely interested to know if this is really a weakness or if our culture just tells us it is.