Monday, April 28, 2008

Book Transaction

I'm going to admit that I just thesaurused trade because I didn't want to call it "Book Trade" or "Book Swap." Sounds church-ladyish. I like "Book Transaction." Sounds very commerce-themed.
I have an idea and I will first try it with Joe. Let's pair up and each person has to agree that they will read a book recommended by the partner within a reasonable amount of time. Then the two can discuss each other's choices. The book can be a favorite, one that describes your philosophy, theology, lifestyle, or just something good that's meant to be passed on. It's not meant to torture your partner or to arrange an argument (although deep discussion is encouraged) but to help them understand something you enjoy.
Go ahead and do it now if you want.


Anonymous said...
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kylee said...

oooh good idea.
i would love to follow joe, please diana.
missed you tonight

shaun said...

oooh, great idea Diana. If I were to pair up with Joe, I would make him read a Mitch Albom book just to see if it could possibly have a cheerful affect on him rather than a I hate happy books affect on him. But for anyone who might want to pair up with me, I think I will choose the book "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken for them to read. I might of chosen "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck instead, but that book is seemingly too long for a such a transaction. So, if anybody has a book they would like to transact with me for this, I think I will like that. cheers.

Joseph said...

Shaun, you have just taken away any opportunity for me to do any sort book transaction with you.

shaun said...

Oh Joe, I wouldn't really do that to you, only dream of it like, in a perfect world, I would do this... If you feel up to the task of a 600 page book, I'd say East of Eden would be right up your alley. For the most part, it's not very happy, but is full of all that death and stuff that really makes you think. Plus it has some of the most engaging philosophical dialog I have ever read in fiction regarding Biblical stuff. I think you would really like it. Please transact with me Joe.

Unknown said...

Don't do it Joe. He's going to put an "East of Eden" dust cover over "Marley and Me" or something and you'll say "What was all the hype about?"

thefamousnic said...

I'm game! And I know the exact book I want to share! List of obligations before I can begin book transaction.
1. Finish The Thief Lord for a student 2. Read Jitterbug Perfume with my Aunt 3. Read I Won't Learn from You with Tomas and Rose.

Then I think we should have some sort of presentation of learning party.